On the fourth day of the competition the Double Elimination was finished. Kiri Thode was able to win three heats in a row and found himself in the final against Gollito Estredo.
Kiri sailed very well on day 3 and defeated a strong sailing Dieter van der Eyken, took down Steven van Broeckhoven and Tonkly Frans. He landed big double combos like double Culos, Spock Culo or Culo 720s. In the heat against Steven Kiri got the highest scores of the day on the way in by the judges.
Moves on the way in: Kono / Burner / Culo / one handed Funnel Crash / Culo 720 /Spock Culo / Kono / Culo one handed (8th move) / Skopu 720 (9th move) / Toad (10th move)
Moves on the way out: Shaka / Airflaka / Ponch Flaka / Burner / Shaka Flaka / Airfunnel one handed / Airflaka Crash (or Pasko Crash)
During the final Kiri landed 15 moves. On the way in he landed the biggest moves too late. Those two were already move 8 and 9. On the way out he landed 6 moves and crashed the 7th and last attempt. In the end the judges decided 4:1 against him.
Head judge Duncan Coombs about Kiri: “Kiri needs to sail smarter. He needs to use his brain more. If he would have landed move 8 and 9 on the way in earlier in his heat, he would have challenged Gollito a lot more and there would have been a chance to go for a resail. He sailed excellent, but it was not enough against Gollito this time!”
Kiri was sailing very well in his previous heats, especially against Steven and Tonky. Against Gollito he probably was missing some bigger air moves like a Pasko or a really high Shaka. But overall a really great performance. The super trickser from Bonaire fought back from the 4th place in the single to the second place in the double elimination.