As there was no live stream at the PWA Freestyle World Cup in Austria, we decided to film the final heats of the double elimination for you. After storming through the double elimination and winning 8 heats Amado Vrieswijk met Gollito Estredo, the winner of the single elimination. And after 8 heats he won his 9th heat against Gollito to force a super final, which was again a tight battle, but Gollito defeated Amado by under 3 points. Read more about the second day by following this link: Gollito Estredo wins.
Format: 12 minute heat duration and the best 3 moves from 7 on each tack to count, only one move per reach to count
Gollito Estredo Super Final Heat – PWA Frestyle World Cup Austria 2016
Amado Vrieswijk Super Final Heat – PWA Frestyle World Cup Austria 2016
What sail is Amado on? Severne’s freek has 5 battens so either he’s using an S1 or a 2017 freek prototype????
It is no prototype for 2017. It’s a special membrane sail built for lighter freestyle conditions and allows to use smaller sailsizes. The material creates a lot of power and improves early planing. You see this material in racing sails as well. Amado had a 4,8 and 5,2 built in this construction. The material is very expensive and I guess too expensive for a production sail. Dieter had two of them as well, but decided to use his classic production Freek setup, as he was not used to the shape.
Thank you for adding the scores!!!
one question: the best 3 moves from 7, does this mean that there is only 7 tryings on each tack. So if he falls down 5 times on one tack he can not get 3 nailed moves. If he tries more than 7 moves on one tack which 7 triyngs count or do the judges let look at him after 7 tryings?
thank you for explainig me, freestyle is amazing but only a few people know why somenone wins or not.
@oschuschnig hons
Exactly. Only 7 attempts count, the eighth attempt does not count anymore.
Thanks Madea. That is super cool.
This is awesome. Thanks! I have very little idea how the scoring works so it would be totally educational to throw a graphic on the vid showing how each move scored. It does look like Gollito deserved the win!
Good idea Chris. We will organize the scores and will add them.