German Nico Hauschke spent a few days at Brouwersdam, Netherlands during the PWA DAM7 Freestyle event. And these days saw great wind conditions. During the late afternoon of day 4 a heavy storm kicked in and the calm lagoon in front of the Zeil & Surfcentrum Brouwersdam was absolutely on fire. 


The storm front kicked in during the DAM7 PWA Freestyle event 2013

The storm front kicked in during the DAM7 PWA Freestyle event 2013


Nico called it “FREESTYLE STORM CHASE NETHERLANDS” and edited a really nice, almost 5min long clip.

Nico Hauschke: “My edit shows footage of radical Freestyle Action from the DAM7 Festival at the Zeil & Surfcentrum Brouwersdam in the Netherlands. The best Freestyle Windsurfers of the PWA World Tour competed on the water and as the wind was increasing in the late afternoon on September 10th they were facing “Freestyle-Storm-Chase” conditions. It was very windy and raining heavily. I found a spot inside a garage and got a few shots of the competition (first round of the double elimination) and the sailors in their struggle with gusts of 50knots. Check it out!”


Spot: Zeil & Surfcentrum Brouwersdam, NL
Shots on: Canon 550D 70mm-300mm & 50mm


Nico Hauschke’s film about the DAM7 PWA Freestyle World Cup at Brouwersdam, Netherlands

