Beginning of July the Minds Wide Open crew was on the Canaries, to film some more footage for their upcoming DVD. Watch here a clip from their helicopter shooting. At the moment they are in Indonesia and what we´ve heard, they got sick conditions, almost no equipment left, but the footage should be awesome.
inan?lmaz b?rseyd?
does this clip also exist with english voice? would like to understand what the guy speaks? any spanish around to translate?
Victor Fernandez is in Indonesia together with another 4 riders filiming the last part of MWO the film directed by Andre Paskowski. A few weeks ago they did film a few scenes from this helicopter, but if you thing this machine was the only one flying do not miss this scenes. The film is planned to be launched by the end of September in Germany coinciding with the PWA contest at Sylt. After 2 contests Victor is 5th in the championship, bearing in mind that one result can be ruled out, the spaniard continues having options to retain his world… Read more »
The Minds Wide Open DVD should be finished in September/October. We´ll keep you updated about the release date.
lots of talking about this production but when is it finally out? any news