Justin is just 15 years old and has improved a lot while the last months. He stayed for almost 3 weeks at Pozo Izquierdo and trained Double Forwards, Takas, Backloops, stalled forwards. He also sailed nice swell at the Mosca Point, around a kilometer upwind from the Pozo Bay.
“I stayed for 20 days in pozo, 20 riding days with my 3.3! This spot, known for the strong wind, which blows all summer long, was good this year again. After « Born 2 Ride » last year, I present you « Dream 2 Go High », which should present my personal progress and my double Forward Loop anttempts… That’s why I like this sport, I am always dreaming to go high …” (Justin Denel, 15 years)
Filmed by Annabelle Paternoga
Edited By Lion Production Justin Denel
Justin Denel – Dream 2 Go High from Lion Production Justin Denel on Vimeo.
The clip is definitely a nice one and we bet we will see much more crazy action from teh young French in the near future.
Good vid but I hate that flicking effect.
good vid & good sailing. when i was 15 i was trying to crack the gybe on a small lake in NE england. learning curves are so much shorter now!