The this year’s competiton was a competition in small steps. The new format in judging “Best trick” helped to run the whole competiton in really light and gusty wind conditions. 10 minutes were long enough to get 3 moves done on each tack. Not everybody is happy how everything was… but the show for the hundreds of spectators was great.  

Prizegiving Podersdorf 2008 - Pic:

Prizegiving Podersdorf 2008 – Pic:

Due to the light winds everything came together on the final day. It was a day of waiting. Nobody really thought that there is still a chance for proper wind to run the 6 missing heats. BUT suddenly a rain front came and delivered half an hour of wind. Enough for the missing heats. Right after the heats the winners were announced on stage.  


1. Gollito Estredo
2. Marcilio Browne
3. Tonky Frans
4. Antxon Otaegui 

