Gollito Estredo (V-10), 5 times PWA freestyle world champion, released a new video. In this 4 minutes long clip he shows, that he isn’t without reason multiple freestyle champion. Ricardo Campello said: “This is why I don’t compete in freestyle anymore, amazing sailing by Gollito Estredo!”
This is SO dank WOW
The stuff Hugo does, is performed in epic conditions. Let’s see this year how he performs in normal PWA conditions.
i mean, super nice, but except for a few tricks, it became pretty much standard. the stuff hugo souza does is a lot crazier i think… but of cause super nice! but i dont think thats enough to become world champ this year..rrrr
I think that’s more than enough to become world champion. You have to witness Golito perform better than anyone else in really tough conditions like Sylt. I predict Golito will win !
It looks Gollito never gives up. Perfect double burners before from Hugo de Souza, Gollito does it one handed. And even an airskopu from Gollito and many other crazy moves like the double airflaka or spock into double burner.
Hart and very very interisting fight this year.
I don’t want to be in the shoes of his competitors-poor guys.