Explore and play – a web TV concept about Maui and the Moussilmani Twins
French Pro sailors Sylvain (F-7) and Benoit Moussilmani (F-1) spent some weeks in paradise, on Maui. But they  not only enjoyed tropical island life. Instead they worked hard to get their new Eyplore and play series done, which should give a deeper view in their life on Maui and how they spent the time there. Both are dedicated slalom racer sailing in the top 10 on the PWA worldtour and also did top speed results at several events.
Sylvain and Benoit  also enjoy wave sailing and scored some great conditions. This week it starts with a 30 second teaser. Three more cool, funny, action packed and sexy series will follow in the upcoming three weeks. Each of them will have a length of 5 minutes. Check out, how the French twins spent their time on Maui. You also can get updates and click through nice shots on their facebook page about this project.
?? teaser with ride on wave that does not breake and overrotated backie ?? i think (hope) they can do better