Moroccan windsurfing pro Boujmaa Guilloul (34) is well known for his wild air moves and radical wave rides in Maui, Morocco or Tahiti. This time he went for an easy bump & jump session in Maui. He followed the style many windsurfers follow when they go for a session at their local spots: cruising through a Duck Jibe, nailing a Slam jibe, carving the rail of the single fin board, jumping over a little wave, trying a body drag.
Boujmaa shows very well how simple windsurfing can be. It looks like he enjoys riding on the freestyle wave gear. It’s simple. It’s pure and it works in a wide wind range. We know many windsurfers, who are happy with a quiver of one board and two sails. Will we see more of that from Boujmaa in the near future? Will the ultimate waterman, the 2016 IWT tour winner, ride like the masses and help to bring back the bump & jump style in windsurfing?
Essence of windsurfing!
Finally! normal video for us ordinary surfers which celebrate after nailing duck jube ?
true promo of windsurfing !simple tricks everybody can try
this is a true promo of the sport ! simple tricks everybody can try 😀