Felix Söder is from Reinfeld, Schleswig-Holstein in Northern Germany.  Actually he sails a lot at Lemkenhafen, at a little fishing village on the island of Fehmarn. Kitesurfing is prohibited there and there is a lot of space. During the summermonths he travelled Egypt/ Dahab and Blue Lagoon. He as well had several sessions at his homespots in Lemkenhafen and Großenbrode

“I windsurf for many years and try to get on the water as often as possible. Two year sago I started to work as a dentist and my time is limited due to my work. Luckily I have a girlfriend, who likes to windsurf, too. She often wakes up at 5.00 a.m. and we drive to the North or Baltic Sea. My personal idol is Hugo de Souza from Camocim, Brazil. It would be great, if he could find sponsors and win a worldtitle!”

Check out the latest clip of Felix!


